
Free Wyoming

Fighting for YOUR  Rights

Support the Cause,
Take Back Your Rights

While they tell us to follow health orders, we tell them to follow the Constitution.

What We’re Doing

In short, we are fighting to open our state back up. We at Free Wyoming have banded together to bring a lawsuit against Governor Mark Gordon’s March 13, 2020 State Health Emergency Order.

A team dedicated to the Constitution, we are donating our time, fervor and patriotism to our fellow Wyoming constituents in pursuit of justice. Our attorney is filing this petition on Friday, February 26, 2021.

What This Means For You

If our petition for our preliminary injunction goes through, it will force the state to retract all health and shutdown orders.

  • The Government cannot deem your business non-essential
  • The Government cannot dictate your hours of operation
  • The Government cannot dictate your capacity
  • The Government cannot force mask use upon your business or clientelle

Listen as Taylor Haynes, Nick Beduhn and Harold Bjork explain the philosophies behind the petition, through an interview with David Iverson, owner of Cowboy State Politics.

We Stand With Grace

Follow us as we work to protect our civil liberties and support our parents and children

On November 2, we filed a Complaint for Declaratory Judgement and Injunctive Relief against Governor Gordon, State Health Officials and School Districts, on behalf of Grace Smith and a number of other petitioners.

Check out her website here: https://www.standwithgrace.com/


Protecting Personal Liberties – We All Will Stand with Grace

On November 2, we filed a Complaint for Declaratory Judgement and Injunctive Relief against Governor Gordon, State Health Officials and School...

Legal Team’s Thoughts After the Hearing

After the hearing on the AG's and the various county attorney's Motions to Dismiss, held on April 7th, we have received quite a bit of feedback from...

New Client Juror Held In Contempt

There is a Motion to Set Aside Ms. April Hanson's Direct Contempt Charge. Ms. Hanson discovered FreeWyoming23.com and reached out to us. Our team...

Our Reply to Their Motion to Dismiss

Hearing set for Wednesday, April 7, 2021 at 9:00 am-12:30 pm. As expected, the Attorney General (AG) filed their Motion to Dismiss. We expected...

Notice to Dismiss Weston County

Just a quick update of what's coming through the pipeline. We've dismissed Weston County. You can download and peruse the notice, below. We'll keep...

Heartfelt, Honest, Support

As donations come pouring in, we wanted to reflect on the sacrifice and love that have been receiving from you. We cannot do this without you, and...

The Answer is Flat Out No…

We have been asked numerous times if the Gov's announcement stops our lawsuit, or negates the allegations contained in the Petition. The answer is a...

April 14, 2021 Post Hearing Interview

Listen in as our attorney gives a post hearing recap on the lawsuit against Governor Gordon.

Archived Podcasts - Click Here


Thought we’d offer a list of other, like minded Wyoming based websites, who are also in the fight to support our Wyoming freedoms.


Motion to Dismiss Hearing

This hearing took place 9:00AM Wednesday April 7, 2021. We feel it went well, and will upload transcripts and a recording soon. Check back soon!

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